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Feed Your Wild with Venessa Rodriguez

Apr 26, 2018

How can we begin incorporating the power of wild natural beauty & living in these modern times without slipping into overwhelm? Jessika Le Corre - creator of Feather Eagle Sky Skincare and mama of 3, weaves ancestral wisdom, having studied skin, herbs, flower remedies, essential oils and plant medicine with a seasoned...

Apr 26, 2018

How can we tap into our inner knowing and medicine? How can we move through fear in our most challenging moments? Susan Lipshutz, LCSW - sacred feminine activist and integrative psychotherapy has spent more than 30 years supporting seekers and building strong communities that reawaken and integrate the divine feminine...

Apr 26, 2018

Welcome to Feed Your Wild! In this first episode, I'm honored to introduce myself, tell you a bit about the show, my story of overcoming chronic illness and how my mom's journey with breast cancer led me to the healing work I do today using food as medicine, nature-based practices, and intuitive guidance. I'll set the...