Mar 20, 2023
Equinox blessings! It's a new season and it’s coming in hot! We’re joined by Megan Liebmann in this Healers On The Mend episode celebrating the astrological new year with this spring equinox and Aries new moon. The Vernal Equinox is all about balance and equilibrium, providing a template and opportunity for starting new projects and planting new seeds. With this year’s constellations, there's a ton of fire and initiation energy in the air, so get ready to take action!
We talk about how to work with and embody our soul tasks and ancestral healing, especially with Pluto's entry into Aquarius on March 23rd. We touch on Aries’ connection to the head, patterns of inflammation, supportive herbal allies, and offer a simple & supportive framework for navigating these big themes.
We have a massive opportunity to step into the next evolution of your Self - this time is about so much more than spring cleaning…
Venessa also provides an Equinox Akashic Soul Nourishment channeling that encourages us to breathe in the fire and rest in our power.
An excerpt from our Akashic Guides:
“Like the crucible as the perfect vessel of containment, your being is able to withstand the most brazen hot temperatures for the purpose of holding space for transformation.”
Find the Complete Show Notes Here:
In This Episode We Talk About:
The Vernal Equinox reminds us of balance and equilibrium, and is a time for beginnings and planting new seeds, with a lot of fire energy and initiation energy.
Aries’ warrior energy, fiery energetics and support for stepping into courage and bravery to take risks and embark upon new territory.
Moving from Neptunian watery murkiness to fire-fueled clarity and initiation
Breath work as a modality for embodying and utilizing this fiery initiatory warrior energy
How energies in this new season manifest within the body and how herbal allies can help
Fave plant allies for inflammation and connections to Aries, such as Ginger and Nettle.
Working with and embodying our soul tasks and ancestral lineage
Pluto's entry into Aquarius on March 23rd bringing themes of endings, beginnings and working with ancestral lineage.
Aries season and Mars connections to inflammation, heat, excitation, and the head, face, mouth, eyes, brain, cerebral spinal system, and muscular system.
The importance of building a relationship with herbal allies and getting children involved in building relationships with herbs and nature.
The potential for allergies during this season (00:03:47)
Embodying the fiery energetics of this season through breath (00:11:29)
Plant allies we can use for inflammation (00:24:48)
How to tune into your body to identify inflammation, as well as how this practice can be extended beyond the body to relationships and daily habits (00:36:05)
Akashic Reading (00:44:32)
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In The Episode:
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