Jan 7, 2019
In this week's special encore episode, we start of this New Year (and coming off of this new moon in Capricorn) with my favorite Capricorn soul sister, mentor, and medicine woman Susan Lipshutz.
This was the very first interview we had on Feed Your Wild, where we dove into how to reawaken the divine feminine and inner medicine woman, as well as the Akashic Records (we get so many questions about them - this is the episode to listen to for answers and insight on the Records!).
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How can we tap into our inner knowing and medicine? How can we move through fear in our most challenging moments?
Susan Lipshutz, LCSW - sacred feminine activist and integrative psychotherapist has spent more than 30 years supporting seekers and building strong communities that reawaken and integrate the divine feminine into daily life, combining the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers with her own powerful teachings attuned to the complexities of modern life.
Find out her most helpful tools and practices that have served Susan in her most challenging moments, 3 powerful questions to ask yourself in the healing process, and learn about the Akashic Records - what are they, how Susan uses them, and how they can be powerful in your healing journey.
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