Jul 23, 2018
In this episode, I’m excited to be speaking with Whitney Popham of the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Whitney is an herbal practitioner and educator, pollinating the medicine of the plants to bring healing & beauty into the world.
We talk about her journey of self-discovery, healing and her life’s calling to the plant path. We dive deep right away into how we got to the point of disconnection from these ancient systems of medicine, and ways we can begin to reclaim that connection.
Whitney shares her own experience with healing trauma by building relationships with plants and their medicine on all levels, and provides us with a beginner’s roadmap to using botanicals for supporting the nervous system and the heart.
*Note from Whitney: Since we discuss using botanicals and harvesting plants ourselves, it’s important to note that before you harvest or make medicine from any herb, it’s imperative that you’ve first properly identified that plant before you ingest it or give it to anyone else. Learning some basic botany, getting a good ID book, or taking a class with a local herbalist are important steps towards making sure you’re safely harvesting & using herbs.
As a clinical herbalist, Whitney has devoted her life to being a humble vessel for the plants to touch people's lives and do their healing work through her. She facilitates healing on the emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of health through the multifaceted lens of plant medicine, nutrition and Ayurvedic lifestyle coaching.
Whitney is the co-founder of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, where her and her husband Sajah have trained & empowered tens of thousands of people to become herbalists & practitioners. Through their online programs & live workshops, they share wisdom from multiple medical traditions from around the world to continue the legacy of bringing healing to people, culture and planet.
This was such a rich discussion, Whitney really touches on so many critical topics that I’ve been thinking a lot about over the years and try to highlight in this podcast. Lots of food for thought, and I hope you enjoy our exploration of the magical and magnetic power of plants as teachers and healers.
Link to learn more + join the Feed Your Wild GUT Virtual Workshop August 26