Jun 8, 2020
This week we are rebroadcasting our episode with Leah Penniman on Farming While Black: Restoring Sacred Relationship with the Land and One Another, synchronistically originally aired exactly one year ago in June of 2019.
This episode is especially timely as we collectively face a collective uprising against racism, a global pandemic and unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities for change and healing. As we reflected back in 2019, Leah offers so much wisdom rooted in the power of Mother Earth and ways we can begin to dismantle racism through social justice work and connecting back to nature.
In this episode, you'll experience Leah's pioneering energy that supports our collective re-memberance of our sacred connection to land and the ways we can begin healing the injustices of the imposed systems as a community.
Leah's work with Soul Fire Farm is to increase farmland stewardship by people of color, promote equity in food access, and train the next generation of activist farmers.
Her book Farming While Black, is the first comprehensive manual for African-heritage people ready to reclaim their rightful place of dignified agency in the food system, with a concise ·how-to· for all aspects of small-scale farming. But it's not just Is a compendium of ·how-tos· for small scale farming... it's rich with historical context and weaving in the pragmatic with spirituality, soil ecology, planning, tools, plant medicine, healing trauma, and movement building. Leah breaks it all down for us in this episode!